Combining my passion for miniatures and recycling, I decided to make myself (at leeeeast!) my first "real" doll house, with light, deco and all accessories.
However, not having much space, I had to brake all my ardor and limit myself to the strict minimum: A large living room and kitchen for the ground floor, a large custom room, a bedroom and a bathroom upstairs.
Using only bits of stuff here and there, nothing is "square", but this does not worry me because I could always hide it later; What upsets me more is that, to make my task easier, I chose to make a square house... And I do not like it very much ... x)
Fortunately, here too, I would ruse to give more relief to this shanty in the making!
So here is the evolution of this house, beginning with its structure and exterior (here), then each piece one by one (in separate articles, in link at the bottom of the page or in the "Crafts Menu").
I would update this section (and the others) as the work progresses =)
Good discovery !
I putted a removable bathroom in the top right (my initial project was to make a house fully modular, but with only recycled materials, this challenge is just too hard for me ,
I had to convice myself to change my plans), but it was only to have points of reference on the dimensions I was going to choose for each room. I subsequently disassembled this element
to recover the floor (in ice cream sticks).
As you will have noticed, I opted for the christmas garland for lighting and since I had none, this is an item I bought only for this occasion
Beginning of the floor (with the famous cut and pasted floor ).
The finished floor except the ceiling.
Ceiling of the floor: OK. But it must be reinforced (and hide the "remains" of light string).
Just to let you know, I had to make my house on stilts .... Because I have a big cat with quite a temper, who decided that he liked to pee on everything lying on the floor ... -_- ( Yes, putting it on stilts is enough to satisfy it ... Personally, I do not try to understand, I just do! ;op)
The basic structure is over. Now, I must do the front facades, and urgently! Because my house is daily assaulted by my other little kitty Girl who loves to make her toilet in the middle of the living room : ')
Facades carved, I gradually garnished their doors and windows. But I can not finish these at the moment, I do not have enough transparent plastic ...: '(
Facades fixed.
Starting to decorate it up.
I cut small bricks out of eggs boxes and glue them. Then I apply gesso.
To be continued... !
This house is still under construction
Last update : January 2018
The star indicate your actual position