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Miniatures :


Clothespins and fabric softener

August 2017

Clothespins are made from silver painted toothpicks, matches and small hair elastics (for dreadlocks or those for "crocheted knitting" bracelets). They work well Smiley : Happy
The softener bottle is a recycled physiological saline pipette (bottle and cap). I closed the base of the bottle with a glue gun and painted the cap with nail polish. I then filled it with water colored with acrylic paint (or put real softener if you have some Smiley : ;)).
All I need is to find a label of the right size to stick it on (or eventually end up recovering a color printer in one way or another!) Smiley : 0u0

Miniatures : Miscellaneous - Clothespins and fabric softener

Mirror, brush and hair comb set

April 2017

Carved in ice cream sticks, painted with acrylic paint, some metallic tape for the mirror, nails art rhinestones on the comb. The brush is a leather oval pierced with holes, then small piles of paint brush's hair are passed through each hole using sewing thread (as for real brushes).

Miniatures : Miscellaneous - Mirror, brush and hair comb set

Miniatures : Miscellaneous - Mirror, brush and hair comb set

Miniatures : Miscellaneous - Mirror, brush and hair comb set

Cat tree

March 2017

A cat tree made of recycled packaging cardboard, rolled paper and natural thread, inspired by a little game (cats collection, on smartphones) that I really like : Neko Atsume (developed by Hit-Point).

Miniatures : Miscellaneous - Cat tree

Laundry basket (dirty clothes)

february 2017

A laundry basket for dirty clothes made of a empty roll of toilet paper recovered with white glue and rope thread. The top cap is packaging cardboard (cat food boxes) and I used two pearls to do the handle.

Miniatures : Miscellaneous - Laundry basket for dirty clothes

Miniatures : Miscellaneous - Laundry basket for dirty clothes

Miniatures : Miscellaneous - Laundry basket for dirty clothes

Miniatures : Miscellaneous - Laundry basket for dirty clothes

First Hangers !

February 2017

Hangers made out of craft wire for jewelry.

Miniatures : Miscellaneous - Hangers


January 2017

Matches made with a real matchbox: I harvested sulfur and crushed it, cut the sticks to make (smaller) ones, cut out two small rectangles in the brown part of the real box (the one that ignites the sulfur when scratching the match on) of the size of the sides of my future box wich is made of recycled packaging cardboard (cereal box). I fix everything with transparent glue. Visual made with felt-tip pen and ballpoint pen.

Miniatures : Miscellaneous - Matches