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Miniatures :


Cutlery, try 2

December 2017

Cutlery cut in a tin lid. The sleeves are made of packaging cardboard (like cereal box), painted with acrylic and then varnished.

Miniatures : Kitchen - Cutlery

Miniatures : Kitchen - Cutlery

Spatulas and wooden cutlery

December 2017

Wooden cutlery carved from ice cream sticks. Jar made of packaging cardboard (such as cereals), white glue and acrylic paint (holes made with a punch and a pin).

Miniatures : Kitchen - Spatulas and wooden cutlery

Miniatures : Kitchen - Spatulas and wooden cutlery

Miniatures : Kitchen - Spatulas and wooden cutlery

My first plates

December 2017

At first, I only had wooden plates that I decided to repaint with nailpolishes, rhinestones and acrylic paint.

Miniatures : Kitchen - Premières assiettes

But I did not have much of them... So, before trying to sculpt plates out of clay, I wanted to try with cardboard first.

Miniatures : Kitchen - Premières assiettes

Miniatures : Kitchen - Premières assiettes

Salt and pepper

November 2017

Salt and pepper dispensers made from the inner tube of a ballpoint pen (emptied and washed). The base is closed using a glue gun, the top is made of black painted packaging cardboard (with acrylic), and the holes are made by needle. I filled with real salt and pepper (here, a 5 berries) before closing it by gluing the cardboard lids and add a thin strip of metallic tape for decoration.

Miniatures : Kitchen - Salt and pepper

Bread box

September 2017

Bread box made with packaging cardboard (cereals boxes), metallic tape and acrylic paint. The bread is flour and water cooked under the sun and decorate with chalk pastels.

Miniatures : Kitchen - Bread box

Miniatures : Kitchen - Bread box

Toaster - 2nd try

June 2017

A handmade toaster made of recycled cardboard, jewelry wire, aluminum foil, acrylic paint, mod podge, pins, tape and plaited strings (for sewing).

Miniatures : Kitchen - Toaster

Miniatures : Kitchen - Toaster

Miniatures : Kitchen - Toaster

Miniatures : Kitchen - Toaster

Cookie cutters

April 2017

Cutters cut into an aluminum tray and worked with jewelery pliers.

Miniatures : Kitchen - Cookie cutters

Mug and saucer

March 2017

Handmade mug and a small plate made of paper (mug) and a slice of a hotglue gun stick, both painted with nailpolish.

Miniatures : Kitchen - Dishes

Drinking straws

February 2017

Straws made by removing plastic coating from colored paper clips Smiley : Meow
The container is made of paper painted with nailpolish.

Miniatures : Kitchen - Drinking straws

Sushi roll

January 2017

Sushi roll made of toothpicks and thread. Depending on their size, it can also be used as a place mat or table mat. Smiley : ;)

Miniatures : Cuisine - Dessous de plats

Cups (or small bowl)

January 2017

Acorn hats are perfects for snacks bowls, breakfast bawls or even salads bowls : depends on its size !

Sand it if you dont like the texture of it. Some paint and voilà ! That's a new something =)

I only sanded the inside (a very little) and then I applied golden wax first and mod podge at last.

Miniatures : Kitchen - Dishes

My very first toaster

January 2017

A handmade toaster (my very first one) made of recycled cardboard and paper.

Miniatures : Kitchen - Toaster

Set of kitchen knives with a fork

January 2017

Three knives and a big forck made of recycled can and polymere clay (it cuts real good !)

Miniatures : Kitchen - Set of kitchen knives with a fork

Cutting board

January 2017

A cutting board made of recycled popsicle sticks.

Miniatures : Kitchen - Cutting board